Tuesday, 10 January 2017

JUSTICE is not fundemental in India?

Indian Criminal Justice Systems (CJSs) will be the worse one of its kind if we compare it with many other CJSs in the world. Here is the importance of comparative criminal justice study becomes significant as it helps to improve our CJS and makes our CJS efficient. The quality of CJS brings everything (peace, justice, human development, reduces corruptions, ensures equality, freedom, liberty, human rights, and even influence day today life of every citizen in the country) that we need to live as human beings for those who really live like humans with freedom and liberty. we have thousands of institutions which teach us about it and we also have thousands of scholars who have studied about all those issues and thousands of researchers are behind it in India. but, what is benefit from it? until we (our government) does not apply and implement that we are taught and researching, there is no benefit from it and it is just like "writing on the surface of the flowing water". The prosperity and peacefulness as well as high standard of living in countries like Australia and Britain are gained through not only attitude, education, and critical thinking, but it also highly relies on the effectiveness of  CJSs of these countries. who are responsible for these kind of robust Criminal Justice (yet, it is not perfect, but much better than India) Systems? India is failure from adopting the world's most efficient Laws and criminal justice systems, particularly innovative CJSs. when we study about Europe, Canada, Briton, Australia, and America, in terms of the expenditure those countries have been spending for improving CJSs for many decades, India spends very little on it. Most of the Indians are proud to say that our constitution is one of the best constitutions in the world as it has taken from countries such as Australia, Canada,  Britain, and America (who had some best constitution in the world when India adopted it), However, today, Indian Criminal Justice Systems are not really adequate to ensure its citizens justice. pending cases in various courts for many years is one of the significant evidences to prove that how Indian Criminal Justice Systems work inefficiently.

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