Wednesday 25 January 2017

India, current Criminal Justice Systems (CJS)


                                  Didn't you forget all about the worst criminal justice system that we have today in India? How many years a person should wait to get Justice? No solution for it? I would like to tell that If a nation must grow up faster in every aspect, the Justice systems should work efficiently, accurately, without time delay, and with the consideration of the bottom of our society. The delay that occurs in courts prevent the victim from gaining the justice within necessary time and it also opens way to escape the criminals. If the Criminal Justice system works properly, more industries will come automatically as they believe our Justice systems. But, now the atmosphere is worst and not good for industrialization as our Criminal justice system is not competitive when compare to many other developed and developing nations. Corruptions are uncontrollable as our Criminal justice systems respond very slowly. Police itself corrupted to great extend as they are influenced by external bodies such as politicians and political parties. We need a change for it. 

                           I don't dream a massive industrial society in India until and unless India do not work for changing its Current criminal justice systems. Thousands of cases are pending. There is no believable statistical study to understand how many cases are increasing every month/year? How many people are awaiting for court orders? How many courts do we need more? How many courts we have increased according to population growth and growing crime rates/cases?  How many judges/magistrates we need more to finish the cases. If a common person goes to the court, he might need to end up his whole life in the court and behind the case (for eg. Umakant Mishra). This is what we have been seeing for many years. If it is the case here, how new industries will come up confidently? That's why I say the current Justice system should be changed. 

                                    Do you know how much money we spent for prisons and police force as well as for the entire criminal justice systems and the Law enforcement? There is no statistical survey/reports about it. Tax payers do not know about it. A serious joke. But governments are failure to find the root causes of crimes. Spending nothing for it. Unfortunately our politicians included PM and CMs are not aware about it just because they did not study anything about it. But, what about their advisers? They also do not know these issues? Have a lot to say about it, but stopping here speaking about Industrialization and the importance of Improving criminal justice systems for overall growth of the Nation, including Industrial revolution. "The development will not be the development until and unless every individual's living standard and per capita income not increasing. But, then we can call it Industrialization", just Industrialization where may employees may be exploited by the employers.

                                       Secondly, look at education system. Our education system is not competitive as many other nations. This means standard of education is pathetic. Let me give an example, I have asked to many of my graduated friends from India that have you ever read an journal or academic journal when you studied in India? The answer was "no". Some of them even told me they haven't seen the journal article. This what our education system is. It should be changed. The students should learn not only from a text book, but they should also read many international journals. Our institutions should be ready to make accessibility of journals for our students. Referring Journal articles and citations are one of the criteria of providing points for world rankings for university. Who knows it? Our education system should be changed.
                                      Now I am going to talk a little about our health system. Money is our health in India even though everyone has the right to get adequate health facilities. Everyone gets it, but quality is different. If a person met with an accident, no one cares him/her. If any one cares him/her, then they must pay the hospitalized person's bill. Therefore the simple way is neglecting the people who met with accidents until somebody else comes and takes responsibility. There is no value for human life as even the dog has. Completely negligence and negligence of duty of care which is a crime in countries like Australia. 

                                   This situation could be changed through providing health insurance for every citizen so that any one can take the patient to near by private/public hospital. The current health system in India is like the poor gets poor treatment and rich gets rich treatment. Absolutely inequalities. China is going to provide 100% free health care for its citizens by 2017,  now it is 50%. Australian government has provided 100% health insurance to its people, fully funded by the government. India has 0%, therefore the hospital business is one of the successful businesses in India, and it opens ways to completely exploitation by private firms, yes they have been exploiting the people for many decades. I have a lot to say but  time resists.
Thank you.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

JUSTICE is not fundemental in India?

Indian Criminal Justice Systems (CJSs) will be the worse one of its kind if we compare it with many other CJSs in the world. Here is the importance of comparative criminal justice study becomes significant as it helps to improve our CJS and makes our CJS efficient. The quality of CJS brings everything (peace, justice, human development, reduces corruptions, ensures equality, freedom, liberty, human rights, and even influence day today life of every citizen in the country) that we need to live as human beings for those who really live like humans with freedom and liberty. we have thousands of institutions which teach us about it and we also have thousands of scholars who have studied about all those issues and thousands of researchers are behind it in India. but, what is benefit from it? until we (our government) does not apply and implement that we are taught and researching, there is no benefit from it and it is just like "writing on the surface of the flowing water". The prosperity and peacefulness as well as high standard of living in countries like Australia and Britain are gained through not only attitude, education, and critical thinking, but it also highly relies on the effectiveness of  CJSs of these countries. who are responsible for these kind of robust Criminal Justice (yet, it is not perfect, but much better than India) Systems? India is failure from adopting the world's most efficient Laws and criminal justice systems, particularly innovative CJSs. when we study about Europe, Canada, Briton, Australia, and America, in terms of the expenditure those countries have been spending for improving CJSs for many decades, India spends very little on it. Most of the Indians are proud to say that our constitution is one of the best constitutions in the world as it has taken from countries such as Australia, Canada,  Britain, and America (who had some best constitution in the world when India adopted it), However, today, Indian Criminal Justice Systems are not really adequate to ensure its citizens justice. pending cases in various courts for many years is one of the significant evidences to prove that how Indian Criminal Justice Systems work inefficiently.